Speaker: Karen Rowland Yeo, PhD – Certara
###Moderator: Mark J. Dresser, PhD (he/him/his) – Gilead Sciences
### he/him/his @@@ Julie A. Johnson, PharmD – University of Florida ### 1143551###Award Recipient###Distinguished Professor###University of Florida###Award Recipient: Julie A. Johnson, PharmD – University of Florida
### @@@ Zhu Zhou, PhD (she/her/hers) – York College/Graduate Center, City University of New York ### 830471###Award Recipient###Assistant Professor###York College/Graduate Center, City University of New York###Award Recipient: Zhu Zhou, PhD (she/her/hers) – York College/Graduate Center, City University of New York
### she/her/hers @@@ Liang Zhao, PhD – US Food and Drug Administration ### 1143392###Award Recipient###Division Director###US Food and Drug Administration###Award Recipient: Liang Zhao, PhD – US Food and Drug Administration
### @@@ Virginia (Ginny) D. Schmith, PhD – Schmith PK/PD Consulting LLC ### 1170870###Award Recipient###President###Schmith PK/PD Consulting LLC###Award Recipient: Virginia (Ginny) D. Schmith, PhD – Schmith PK/PD Consulting LLC
### @@@ Lei Zhang, PhD (she/her/hers) – US Food and Drug Administration ### 1429077###Award Recipient###Deputy Director###US Food and Drug Administration###Award Recipient: Lei Zhang, PhD (she/her/hers) – US Food and Drug Administration
### she/her/hers @@@ Shelly L. Gray, PharmD (she/her/hers) – University of Washington ### 1773378###Award Recipient###Professor and Endowed Director, Plein Center for Geriatric Pharmacy Research, Education and Outreach###University of Washington###Award Recipient: Shelly L. Gray, PharmD (she/her/hers) – University of Washington
### she/her/hers @@@ Porter Hunt, PhD – University of Utah ### 1819486###Award Recipient###Postdoctoral Fellow###University of Utah###Award Recipient: Porter Hunt, PhD – University of Utah
### @@@ Deok Yong Yoon, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Florida ### 1818851###Award Recipient###Postdoctoral Associate###University of Florida###Award Recipient: Deok Yong Yoon, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Florida
### he/him/his @@@ Morna Conway, PhD (she/her/hers) – Morna Conway, Inc., Scholarly Publishing Consulting ### 1859317###Award Recipient###President###Morna Conway, Inc., Scholarly Publishing Consulting###Award Recipient: Morna Conway, PhD (she/her/hers) – Morna Conway, Inc., Scholarly Publishing Consulting
### she/her/hersAward Lecturer: Janet Woodcock, MD – US Food and Drug Administration
### @@@ Issam Zineh, MPH, PharmD (he/him/his) – US Food and Drug Administration ### 1770959###Award Presenter###Director, Office of Clinical Pharmacology###US Food and Drug Administration###Award Presenter: Issam Zineh, MPH, PharmD (he/him/his) – US Food and Drug Administration
### he/him/his