Morna Conway, Inc., Scholarly Publishing Consulting
Morna Conway, PhD, is President of Morna Conway, Inc., Scholarly Publishing Consulting, a firm specializing in helping associations navigate the complex scientific journal publishing ecosystem. A graduate of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, with a PhD in Higher Education Planning, Policy and Administration awarded in 1986 by the University of Maryland, she has worked with ASCPT continuously for the last two decades, specifically on journal publishing contract negotiations, strategic planning for the Society's journals program, launching CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology, and transforming Clinical and Translational Science under ASCPT ownership. In recent years, she has focused on negotiation of the publishing contract with Wiley, the recruitment of the Editors-in-Chief of the three journals, and the accelerating transition to Open Access in the scientific literature, and what that means for the journals' economic security.
Opening Session brought to you by Genentech
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT