Importance of Targeting the Right Patient: Unlocking Opportunities in Cancer Therapeutics and Drug Development via Precision Medicine
20 years after the sequencing of the human genome project, tremendous advances have been made both in science and technology to enable deep molecular interrogation of cancer leading to rapid advances in approval of tailored therapies even if they represent 1% of a given cancer type. These advances will be discussed today with an eye to a greater understanding of genetic diversity and importance of ethnic representation and advances in measuring cancer in blood as it relates to utilizing these tools to inform dose decisions in early clinical trials (Project Optimus)
Session Schedule
2:15 PM - 2:20 PM ET Introduction Mark J. Dresser, PhD
2:20 PM - 3:00 PM ET Importance of Targeting the Right Patient: Unlocking Opportunities in Cancer Therapeutics and Drug Development via Precision Medicine Priti S. Hedge, PhD