Associate Professor
Indiana University
Sara K. Quinney, Pharm.D., Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Medicine, at Indiana University School of Medicine. Dr. Quinney serves as the Director of the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI) Disease and Therapeutic Response Modeling program, Assistant Scientific Director of the Clinical Pharmacology Analytical Core Laboratory, and co-Director of Indiana Pregmed. She received her Pharm.D. and Ph.D. in pharmacy practice from Purdue University and completed clinical pharmacology and bioinformatics fellowships at Indiana University. Dr. Quinney utilizes in vitro, preclinical, clinical, and bioinformatics data to develop quantitative systems pharmacology models to improve understanding of drug disposition and response in special populations, especially pregnant women. Dr. Quinney serves as the clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic modeling expert for the Model Organism Development and Evaluation for Late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease (MODEL-AD) and the IU/Purdue Target Enablement to Advance Therapeutics for Alzheimer’s Disease (TREAT-AD) Preclinical Testing Cores, which have established a pipeline for rigorous preclinical testing in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease. She is particularly interested in improving care for women with high-risk pregnancies, including those with opioid use disorder, preterm labor, and preeclampsia. She is the contact PI for the Indiana University-Ohio State University MPRINT Data and Model Knowledge Research Coordination Center (IU-OSU MPRINT DMKRCC) and is the past-chair of the ASCPT Translational Informatics Community.