Assistant Professor
University of Cincinnati
Dr. Nihal El Rouby, PharmD, PhDis currently an Assistant Professor at the James L Winkle, College of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati, with appointments in the Departments of Pharmacy Practice at the college and St Elizabeth Hospital. She earned her PharmD from the University of Florida and then completed a PhD degree in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences, focusing on pharmacogenomics. She currently researches genetic determinants of Metabolic Syndrome associated with atypical antipsychotics. She is involved with Clinical Implementation of Pharmacogenomics at St Elizabeth Hospital in multiple clincial areas including oncology, primary care and cardiovascular. She has published both original research and review papers and has presented her research at national pharmacy and genetics meetings. She has been a member of the ASCPT since 2013 and has served on the Pharmacogenomics committee. She currently serves as an editor in training for the Clinical Translational Science Journal.