Distinguished Scientist
Quantitative Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics, Merck & Co.
Jeff (Jeffrey R.) Sachs, PhD is a Distinguished Scientist in the Quantitative Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics Department (“QP2”) in Merck* Research Laboratories, where he is responsible for modeling and simulation for vaccines from early discovery through late-stage clinical development. His publication areas include methods for and applications of pharmacometrics, biotechnology, and pattern recognition. (*Merck & Co. Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA)
Dr. Sachs received his BS and MS in Applied Math from Brown University and his PhD in Math at MIT where he worked with Alan Grodzinsky on the electromechanochemistry of articular cartilage, supporting design of a minimally-invasive arthroscopic diagnostic device. After postdoctoral appointments in Applied Physics (Univ. Tokyo), Biomedical Engineering (Northwestern Univ.), and Biotechnology (N.I.S.T.), he developed two successful biotechnology consulting businesses. He came to Merck in 1999 and worked on gene expression analysis, data mining, and SAR integration platforms. He was lead inventor of Merck's proteomics and metabolomics technology platforms. He led the therapeutic area-aligned modeling and simulation group, and lead the design, implementation, and global deployment of a web-based tool providing a user-friendly, non-technical, modeling interface for internal and external decision makers. That tool, used across many programs and therapeutic areas, helped Merck gain recommendations for compounds in over 40 countries. He led the department’s efforts in infectious diseases, oncology, and strategy for digital health/adherence. He is currently the QP2 Therapeutic Area Lead for vaccines, and the QP2 Program Lead for the Dengue vaccine program.
Jabbing Clinical Pharmacology with Vaccines Boosted by Modeling and Simulation
Thursday, March 23, 2023
3:45 PM – 4:45 PM EDT