Wednesday, March 22, 2023
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT
K. Pavia1, H. Hambrick1, K. Paice1, P. Tang1, A. Vinks1,2, J. Kaplan1, T. Mizuno1, S. Tang Girdwood1; 1Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA, 2University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
Critical Care Fellow Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Background: Cefepime (FEP) is an antibiotic commonly used to treat sepsis and is renally cleared, requiring dose adjustment for continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). A pediatric study by Stitt et al of cefepime PK/PD on CRRT used 4 young children, 3 with liver failure (1). Our study aimed to compare PK/PD of an older, diverse population to Stitt’s cohort. Methods: Patients were included if enrolled in an ongoing IRB-approved PK/PD study on beta lactams, had at least 2 FEP doses in the ICU, and were on CRRT for at least 24h. Total FEP concentrations were measured using a validated HPLC assay. PK/PD parameters were estimated using MwPharm++ (Mediware, Czech Republic) with Bayesian estimation and a pediatric population PK model (2). 20% protein binding was assumed to calculate fT>MIC Results: Seven patients were included. CRRT indications were liver failure (n=1), renal failure (n=4), and fluid overload (n=2). PK/PD parameters were comparable to published cohort (Table 1). Using P. aeruginosa MIC FEP breakpoints, all patients had 100% fT>MIC, but only 1 had 100% fT>4xMIC Conclusion: This is the largest pediatric study of FEP PK/PD on CRRT, with diverse ages and CRRT indications. Effluent rates were lower, but clearance and target attainment were similar to those published previously. Since few patients attain 100% t>4xMIC, model-informed precision dosing may be of benefit