Wednesday, March 22, 2023
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT
M. Dong1, T. Mizuno1, A. Good2, A. Hosawi1, A. Vinks1,3, R. Ware1, P. McGann4; 1Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA, 2The Summit Country Day School, Cincinnati, OH, USA, 3University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA, 4Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI, USA.
Associate Professor Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, United States
Background: Hydroxyurea is a first-line pharmacotherapy for sickle cell anemia (SCA). Our team developed a pharmacokinetic (PK)-guided individualized dosing strategy for hydroxyurea and reported a robust laboratory and clinical response in the TREAT trial (NCT02286154). The TREAT cohort was very young with most participants ≤2 years of age. The objective of the current analysis is to summarize hydroxyurea PK profiles in this young cohort and compare to those from older children with SCA. Methods: PK data from 50 patients with SCA in the TREAT study were available (median age: 0.9 years, range 0.5-19.5 years). Each participant received a 20 mg/kg dose of hydroxyurea, after which plasma concentrations were measured at approximately 15, 60, and 180 minutes, a sparse sampling schedule determined using D-optimal design. Individual PK parameters were estimated with MW/Pharm (Mediware, Prague, Czech Republic) based on a previously developed population PK model and using Bayesian estimation (1). PK results from the HUSTLE study (NCT00305175; n = 96; median age 8.8 years, range 1.2-16.6 years) were included for comparison (2). Results: Consistent with previous studies in adults and older children, the hydroxyurea clearance exhibited large variability with a range of 5.9 to 23.5 L/h/70kg in the TREAT study, supporting the need for individualized dosing in young children. In patients 2 years and younger (n= 38), the mean oral clearance was 11.6 ± 3.1 L/h/70kg, which is significantly lower than 13.0 ± 2.4 L/h/70kg in children older than 2 years (n = 108 ; P = 0.012). Conclusion: Infants and young children have lower hydroxyurea clearance than older children, likely reflective of maturation of clearance . Further studies with larger sample sizes will help to fully characterize the developmental trajectory of hydroxyurea PK.
1. Dong, M., McGann, P. T., Mizuno, T., Ware, R. E. & Vinks, A. A. Development of a pharmacokinetic-guided dose individualization strategy for hydroxyurea treatment in children with sickle cell anaemia. Br J Clin Pharmacol 81, 742-752.
2. Ware, R. E. et al. Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacogenetics of hydroxyurea treatment for children with sickle cell anemia. Blood 118, 4985-4991.