Wednesday, March 22, 2023
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT
J. Nguyen1, C. Arian2, M. Cherel1, D. Hadi1,3, J. White1, M. Layton1, K. Thummel2,3, N. Cech4,3, M. Paine1,3; 1Washington State University, Spokane, WA, USA, 2University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, 3Center of Excellence for Natural Product Drug Interaction Research, Spokane, WA, USA, 4University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, USA.
PhD Candidate Washington State University Spokane, Washington, United States
Background: The botanical goldenseal precipitated a pharmacokinetic (PK) interaction with metformin in healthy adults (n=16), resulting in a 23% decrease in metformin systemic exposure. This natural product-drug interaction propagated concerns for hyperglycemic complications in type 2 diabetics. A follow-up study was designed to assess the goldenseal-metformin PK interaction and select clinical biomarkers in this patient group. Methods: Type 2 diabetics (n=20) with HbA1c ≤8% and stabilized on metformin (500-2550 mg daily) participated in a three arm, open-label crossover study. Participants took their pharmacotherapeutic metformin dose without goldenseal (baseline), with a single 3g dose of goldenseal (acute), and while taking 3g goldenseal daily for 28 days (chronic). Plasma and urine were collected (0-24 h) after metformin intake (day 29 of the chronic arm). Metformin PK were evaluated via non-compartmental analysis. Results: Preliminary metformin PK and clinical biomarker data (n=5 participants) are summarized in the table. Conclusion: Goldenseal decreased metformin systemic exposure in type 2 diabetic patients. Unexpectedly, the clinical biomarkers HbA1c % and fructosamine decreased, indicating improved glucose control. This natural-product drug interaction is the first to demonstrate a PK interaction offset by an additive clinical effect.
Nguyen, J.T. et al. Assessing Transporter-Mediated Natural Product-Drug Interactions Via In vitro-In Vivo Extrapolation: Clinical Evaluation With a Probe Cocktail. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther.109,1342-1352 (2021).